One of the many great things about striving to save energy in the home is that it can also save you money! The following are a few things that you can do before getting your official ECAD. They are simple but truly effective techniques for saving energy and money.
Tips to Save Money and Energy
The first thing you can do is program your thermostat. This is a great way to control the temperature while also saving you money. Pick a comfortable temperature and keep it set there.
The second tip you can follow is to replace your light bulbs with ones that are energy efficient. This seems so simple, but it is a sure way to cut down the use of energy in your home.
The third thing you can do is cut down on the amount of water that you use. This tip is even something that you will hear an energy audit professional say. Really think about how much water you are using. Fix the faucets that are leaking and get on your way to saving water.
The last way you can save energy is by changing your air filters. By keeping these filters clean your air will be able to flow better and save energy.
The Many Benefits
You will certainly want to talk with an Austin energy audit professional before taking extraordinary measures. They will be able to guide you towards making the best decisions. Remember, by saving energy in your home you can also save money and the environment!